Refund Policy

All course fees are clearly stated on the Tradie Training website for learners to consider. We are committed to being transparent in relation to costs. All possible additional fees are displayed before payment is required.

Payment can be made by credit/debit card only. You will receive your receipt per email as soon as you book your course. As an RTO we will not collect fees of more than $1500 in advance. We are able to guarantee this by not offering courses in excess of this amount.

You will receive your Statement of Attainment via email once you complete your training.

Tradie Training staff can assist if you are having problems while making payment. Please contact us for assistance.

Tradie Training is committed to complying with Australian Consumer Law pursuant to providing refunds where necessary. Learners must consider all information provided by Tradie Training before formally enrolling. This includes information contained in this Learner Handbook and on Tradie Training’s website. Tradie Training will provide refunds given the following circumstances:

The following circumstances will not result in a refund being given to the learner:

If a learner is eligible for a refund, they must contact Tradie Training within 90 days of making payment. The written refund request should include the following:

The learner is required to provide details of the reason they are eligible for a refund. If a refund is approved, the refund will be paid to the learner within 14 days from the date the refund was requested. Refund money will be sent back to the account linked to the credit/debit card that was used to book the course. If a refund is not granted, Tradie Training will provide written details to the learner advising them of the reason for this decision. If the learner is unhappy with this decision, they will be directed to follow the formal complaints process outlined in this Learner Handbook.

Tradie Training allows a cooling-off period of ten business days providing the learner purchases a course and does not begin this course. During this time the learner can change their mind about training and receive a refund. If the learner begins the course the cooling off period will be waived.

It should be noted that if a learner receives a refund, any Statement of Attainment or printed documentation must be returned to Tradie Training and will be deemed invalid. New documentation will be issued if required.