PPE for online White Card course

While the White Card course has to be completed face to face in Queensland since 2019, there is an online exemption option for anyone living in a remote location (100km or more from the nearest registered training organisation delivering the training face-to-tace).

Note: This article also applies to TAS and WA residents that decide complete the White Card training online.

As part of the training package (CPCCWHS1001 - Prepare to work safely in the construction industry), you must demonstrate how to correctly fit and wear the following 4 pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE):

  • Hard hat
  • High visibility retro-reflective vest or shirt
  • Hearing protection
  • Eye protection

While face to face training centres will have the required PPE listed above on-site, you will need to own or buy the PPE if opting for online training.

Most hardware stores will stock this PPE, and it will cost you around $40 in total. Here is an example Bunnings Warehouse receipt for the required White Card PPE: https://tt.edu.au/articles/white-card-ppe#cost

Instructions to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Selecting PPE to pass the course

While wearing PPE sounds easy (it is!), the trainer and assessor will focus on safety and correct fit. When selecting the PPE, you’ll want to make sure that:

  • The retro-reflective vest is not too tight or loose. Loose vests can get caught in power tools.
  • The hard hard is held in place properly when worn. You’ll want to make sure that you can tilt your head forward by 90 degrees and that the hard hat stays firmly in place. Most hard hats have straps that can be adjusted.
  • Your hard hat does not have cracks or stickers. Some glues used by stickers can deteriorate and soften the hard hat’s plastic.
  • The hearing and eye protection has a tight fit. Your entire ear should be covered by the ear muffs.
  • When wearing the safety glasses, you should be able to glide your finger on your face along the edges without your finger fitting through anywhere.

If you follow the advice given above, you should be able to successfully complete the White Card course online.

Looking to get started? Book your Queensland White Card course here!