Course FAQs

Learn more about Construction Courses in Brisbane and ont he Gold Coast with White Card Queensland.

Can Centrelink pay for me?

No, Centrelink does not pay for the course fees directly. Your employment consultant will book and organise the payment.

Can I pay my course in installments?

No, we require the full payment to book your course. However, we offer the best price in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast, so you know you're getting the best value.

What payment methods do you accept?

Payment can be made online at the time of booking using a debit/credit card. Contact us to organise an invoice for groups.

How long is a White Card valid for?

White Cards do not expire, however if you haven't worked on construction sites for over 2 years, WorkSafe Queensland recommends that you attend a White Card course to update your knowledge.

What do I need to bring to the training?

You must bring 3 forms of identification to the training. You can view the full list here.

We will provide everything else required to obtain your White Card.

Is the license valid for use nationally?

Yes, White Cards are nationally recognised and accepted for work in all Australian states and territories.

What happens if my White Card is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed?

We can replace Queensland White Cards if you completed the training with us. Get in touch to order a replacement White Card.

What is the difference between a "Blue Card" and "White Card"?

Blue Cards are the predecessor of the current White Card. They are still valid and accepted to work on construction sites, however they cannot be replaced if lost or damaged.

I am an international student, can I complete a White Card course?

Yes, you can complete your White Card course with us.

What is the minimum age to obtain a White Card in Queensland?

You must be at least 13 years of age to obtain a QLD White Card.